BOOK your COURT for DAY or NIGHT use
USE your EMAIL and PASSWORD that you used to register your membership.
If you have not registered, then look back in your emails as every member who had not registered was sent an invitation to register.
ONLY MEMBERS can book a court.
CLICK ON THIS LINK TO BOOK A COURT ……..Ryan Storey has now taken charge of the Booking System.
PLAY under lights – $5.00 per member, $15.00 per visitor to cover lights.
DAY TIME visitor fees: $10.00 Adults $4.00 Juniors
Visitor’s Fees and Light Fees are to be placed in an envelope with your name and the reason for payment on the envelope, and the envelope placed in the GREY letterbox in the kitchen or the slot in the white part of the glass door. OR Electronic Payments with your name and the reason for payment to Eley Park Tennis Club Inc. Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 A/c. No. 142 851 468
The Management Committee has set down the following guidelines in respect of court use, fees and supervision requirements:-
1. Courts will be hired to club members only, although members who have booked courts may invite visitors. Members MUST ACCOMPANY any invited visitor. It is NOT in the spirit of the club to make a booking for visitors to play without the member being on court with them.
Normal visitors’ fees to be paid: DAY TIME: $10.00 Adults, $4.00 Juniors. PLAY under lights – $15.00 per visitor to cover lights.
All court booking fees are to be paid: Visitor’s Fees and Light Fees are to be placed in an envelope with your name and the reason for payment on the envelope, and the envelope placed in the GREY letterbox in the kitchen or the slot in the white part of the glass door. OR. Electronic Payments with your name and the reason for payment to Eley Park Tennis Club Inc. Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 A/c. No. 142851468
2. Court lighting hire fee for members is $5.00 per person per court. Minimum period for which a court can be hired is ONE hour.
3. Bookings will be accepted on first come, first serve basis via the BOOK a COURT online system. Members are expected to keep their bookings and if they cannot attend it is expected that they go online and cancel their booking.
4. Correct tennis dress and herringbone footwear is to be worn at all times.
5. Normal conditions for supervision of Juniors apply.
6. The hours that courts may be booked/hired are generally as follows:-
Daylight Saving………………………8pm –10.30pm
Outside Daylight Saving Time……….6pm – 10.30pm
Day time Court Bookings
Currently you do need to book a court unless you are playing in a social organised group (in blue print below). Please be aware the regular social tennis and competition tennis will take priority over members playing singles or practice.
Playing Times And Courts Allocation Guidelines